"Time and Migration" portrays the inherent human inclination to traverse different places. Often, our journeys involve not only physical movement but also an exploration of self—whether through work, leisure, art, or expanding our perspectives. These pursuits can be restricted when we remain confined in a single static context. The series "Time and Migration" serves as a mirror that reflects the significance of time and travel, both of which define our true essence. In my perspective, migration is a form of travel that contributes to shaping our individual identities. In 2019, my migration from my homeland to Canada became a catalyst for introspection. Through the lens of memory, I reflected upon the values and recollections that have influenced my journey. These memories are like fragments of a puzzle, contributing to the portrait of the person I've evolved into. Interestingly, while certain intangible aspects remain constant, others adapt with the changing seasons of our lives. This series encapsulates the essence of these transformations, offering a window into the evolution of an individual who has matured since departing from their homeland.
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